Child Care Resource Centers
NYS Child Care Resource Centers
Child Care Resource Centers coordinate and plan child care services for those in their local regions. They provide support to child care providers, parents, businesses and local governments. Use the search below to find the agency in your area.
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CCRC NY Standards of Excellence (SOE)

NY Standards of Excellence (SOE) is our state-specific set of best practice standards for the CCRCs. The NY SOE covers best practice standards in the following categories: Agency Governance; Program Management; Consumer/Parent Services; Provider Services; Community Engagement.
To be SOE Certified, a CCRC needs to be in compliance with at least 80% of the items specified in the NY Standards of Excellence (SOE) document – and have a plan for Achievement of Further Excellence that has been approved by the Early Care and Learning Council (ECLC). NY Certificate of Excellence is valid for 3 years.
Complete SOE Application – This includes the SOE Application Narrative, the Assurance of Compliance, and the Plan for Further Achievement of Excellence. Within 14 days of receiving a Complete SOE Application, ECLC staff will schedule a SOE Site Visit with the applicant to review application documentation on file at the CCRC. The site visit must occur within 60 days of being scheduled.
For questions and further information contact: