Regional Specialists & Consultants
About our regional specialists & consultants
The various regional specialists and consultants below are designated staff at each of the 35 Child Care Resource Centers (CCRCs) across the state. To find out more about each of the CCRCs, visit the ‘Our Members’ page.
Infant Toddler Specialists
The regional Infant Toddler Specialists reach out to communities, child care providers, families and businesses to promote safe, nurturing environments for the youngest New Yorkers. They emphasize the high-quality early care that is essential to a child’s long-term social, emotional, and intellectual development.
Infant Toddler Mental Health (ITMH) Consultants
ITMH Consultants aim to create a long-term, sustainable improvement in the mental health of New York State’s Infants and Toddlers, by building the capacity of adults in children’s lives. The ITMHC Project serves as an important resource to for early care and education providers to improve children’s social and emotional functioning , reduce challenging behaviors, and impact the prevalence of suspension and expulsion of children of color.
Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Specialists
CACFP Specialists work to expand access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in child care programs. The USDA CACFP program provides aid to child care and after school providers for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children.
Stabilization Grant Specialists
Stabilization Grant Specialists assist child care providers as they navigate the NYS stabilization grant. This work includes helping providers initially apply for the grant, connecting with ECLC for updates and resources, and answering questions providers may have throughout the grant process.
Data Administration Specialists
CCRC data administrators monitor the MATCH & MITCH databases. This may include adding users, troubleshooting reported problems, making CCRC local updates, and providing technical support to users. In smaller CCRCs, they might also act as referral specialists. Some Admins are members of the statewide Data Advisory Committee. This group works with the ECLC Data Coordinator to discuss and review any database problems, user requests, and/or database updates at the systemwide level.
Resource & Referral Specialists
Child Care Resource & Referral Specialists help parents locate and choose quality child care by providing referrals to local child care providers, information on state licensing requirements, availability of child care subsidies, and other information.